BMCCI for increased Malaysian investment in BD


UNB, Dhaka :
Leaders of Bangladesh-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BMCCI) on Sunday sought the government’s cooperation in having increased Malaysian investment in the country.
Malaysian investors are looking forward to relocation of some of their industries in Bangladesh, considering the cheap labour and big internal market, they told Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu at a meeting at the Secretariat.
Malaysian businesses are interested in road construction, light engineering, automobiles manufacturing, health, tourism, information technology, education, housing, furniture manufacturing and various other sectors in the country, they added.
The Industries Minister said the proposal for Malaysian investment in the industrial sector of the country looks very encouraging as it is expected to facilitate technology transfer in related industries.
He called on the BMCCI leaders to put in efforts to reduce the trade gap between Bangladesh and Malaysia.
Amu said the businesses can particularly think about increasing the export of halal (permissible) food items from Bangladesh to Malaysia.
Noting that the recruitment of Bangladeshi workers in Malaysia will stand at more than 15 lakh in two years’ time, Amu urged the BMCCI leaders to work for ensuring the social safety of the workers in that country.
The issue of increasing the inflow of remittance from Malaysia to Bangladesh through the legal channel was also discussed at the meeting.
The BMCCI delegation was headed by its president Nasir A Chowdhury.
