BMBA for sustainable capital market

Staff Reporter :
For sustainable development of country’s capital market, Bangladesh Merchant Bankers Association (BMBA) on Saturday placed an eight-point recommendation including increasing the supply of good shares and ensuring strong coordination among stakeholders.
BMBA at a press conference in a city hotel also described the bailout package extended by Bangladesh Bank (BB) as a historical move to increase liquidity supply to the capital market.
“We want to see a strong capital market for the sake of industrialization in country,” said BMBA President Md Sayadur Rahman as he put forward the recommendations.
The recommended measures include listing of profitable government and multinational companies for IPO, necessary steps for investment education, strong coordination among policy makers and stake holders, updating necessary legal frameworks, protecting interest of foreign investors and expansion of capital market by enlisting good companies.
Rahman said BB’s supportive measure would helprise a Taka 10,000 crore fund for investment in capital market and they are working with the government to this end.
He said the capital market is witnessing development following the initiative of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina as the BB circular has already helped the investors gain confidence for investment.