Blockade-hartal snaps supply chain

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Prices of daily essentials have witnessed further hike in the cities, as the ongoing blockade coupled with the recent spell of hartal severely disrupted the overall supply chain, traders said.
They said goods-carrying transportation came to an almost halt, fearing arson attacks amid the blockade-hartal. So, they found themselves in a difficult condition to ensure smooth supply chain of essentials, the Financial Express reports.
violance BDOn the contrary, prices of various items have declined drastically at farmers’ end due to the transportation halt that also affected procurement, leaving farmers in a quandary, growers said.
Prices of most of the commodities, including staple rice, meat, fish, pulse, onion, chili, ginger, foreign spices, loose soybean oil, potato and vegetables, increased by 11 per cent (rice) to 60 per cent (vegetables) during the last 30 days of blockade in the cities like Dhaka and Chittagong, according to the Department of Agricultural Marketing (DAM) data.
Rice prices increased further by Tk 1-2 per kg at retail level in the last seven days. Coarse variety Swarna was sold at Tk 37-38 per kg on Tuesday, while Brridhan-28 at Tk 42-45, and Miniket at Tk 48-54 per kg.