Blockade disrupts long route communications in Barisal

BARISAL: Barisal Television Media Association (BTMA)formed a human chain protesting arrest of ETV Chairman Abdus Salam yesterday.
BARISAL: Barisal Television Media Association (BTMA)formed a human chain protesting arrest of ETV Chairman Abdus Salam yesterday.
Barisal Correspondent :
The third-day of the nationwide indefinite blockade called by BNP-led 20-party alliance, observing loosely and peacefully in city and district disrupting long route communications, but without hampering daily life on Friday.
Police dispersed a pro-blockade picketing procession of BNP and JCD activists on Friday morning at Kawnia Textile Mill area of the city, said Sakhawat Hossain, Kotwali police station officer in charge.
Besides Jamaat-Shibir activists held picketing at Kashipur and Rupatali areas on Friday early morning.
Road and water transportations on short and internal routes functioning with less numbers of transports and passengers.
Disruption of long route road transportations continued like other days increasing sufferings of the commuters and prices of essential commodities, vegetables and fruits.
However, Aftab Hossain, president of bus owners association and city Sramik League, said vehicles on long routes will also start operation under police protection if sufficient passengers available.
Law enforcing agencies patrolling on city roads to control any situation, told Shoyeb Ahmed, deputy commissioner (headquarter) Barisal Metropolitan Police.
