Blatter urges investigation of Infantino`s meetings with Swiss prosecutor


AFP, Lausanne :
Former FIFA president Sepp Blatter called for an investigation into his successor Gianni Infantino, after Switzerland’s Attorney General admitted meeting the current boss of world football’s governing body. The attorney general, Michael Lauber, told journalists earlier on Wednesday that his meetings with current FIFA boss Infantino were “normal and regular, especially in complex cases”.
The Football Leaks website alleges that Infantino offered favours to a senior Swiss prosecutor, Rinaldo Arnold, in a bid to foster a relationship with Lauber, possibly to obtain privileged information about the FIFA probe. Lauber added that his office was disclosing the meetings for the sake of “transparency”. According to Football Leaks, the informal meetings occurred in the spring of 2016, a few months after Infantino took charge of FIFA and vowed to restore its credibility, which had been shaken by the corruption-plagued 17-year leadership of Blatter.
