Blatter takes aim at FIFA ‘destroyers’


Global football chief Sepp Matter blast¬ed critics trying to “destroy” FIFA on Monday, suggesting that “racism” was partly behind cor-ruption allegations engulfing Qatar’s winning bid for the 2022 Wotid Cup. Matter, Td, who is poised to announce his candidacy for a filth term as presi¬dent of footb He global governing Ixrdy, launched a strong defence of his term dming addresses to Asian and Afrimn officialsSpeaking to the Asian Football Con¬federation (AFC gathered in Sao Paulo ahead of FIFA’s 6428 Congress, Blatter”Show unity and confirm this unity, it’s the best way to reply to all the de¬structors in the world,” Matter said. ‘They want to destroy, not the game, but they want. destroy the instiMtion, because our institution is too strong,” he added.Matter said FIFA was “so strong we are sure they’ll not destroy it.”M separate comments to Confedera¬tion of African Football (CAF) dele¬gates, Matter said behelievedunnamed ethics of Qatar zo= were motivated by “racism and discrimination.”Affican officials in turn pointed the finger directly at the British media over the Qatar dahlia, accusiiag outlets of waging a ‘hateful, defamatory and de¬grading” campaign against ‘the entire Afiican continent.”The same statement meanwhile praised Flatter, citing his “continuous involvement in the development of football in Africa.”Slaters rallying my comes as FIFA faces mounting presure over its mato decision to award the ma. World Cup to Qatar.Five of FIFA’s six biggestcommercial partners-Adidas, Sony, Ills, Coca- Cola and Hyundai-have demanded an inves-tigation of claims that Qatari official Mohammed bin Hanunam paid mil lions of dollars in bribes to secure the tiny Gulf state’s victory halm uo. race. Qatar beat the United States, Aus¬tralia, Japan and South Korea to the zollll tournament, despite a FIFAtech. nical report which warned the sealing temperatures during June and July posed a health riskAmid calls for a re-vote. FIFA inves¬tigator Michael Garcia was to finish his ‘notary into the anus vote and the wit bid contest, won by Russia, on Monday. Garda is to speak at the CongnAs about his work, but his report will not be handed over to the FIFA adjudicato¬ry clamber until mid-July, when the World Cup final is held.Matter said Monday he expected FI¬FA’s ethics to decide what, if any, action to take over Garcia’s report in three to four months time.bonen wffi be in September or Oc¬tober.” he told AFC officials.Matter is expected to use the FIFA Congress on Tuesday and Wednesday to announce his intention to stand again for a filth term as FIFA president. 012 Monday Matter told delegates he All had the passion to carry on his po¬sition, 26 years after his election to the post at a looll vote in Paris.”I still have the fire inside,. Matter told his audience, hinting once again Nat a declaration for the presidential race is almost certain.
