Commentary: Blaming few is not enough if we the many do not assert

Editorial Desk :
In the absence of free election we cannot have a people’s government answerable to the people. Those who come by cheating election they need to be surrounded by incompetent self-seekers. So there is nothing to be surprised in the observation of the Chief Justice Mr SK Sinha in the judgement rejecting impeachment of judges by one-house Parliament, as incompetence and ignorance are dominating our process of government.  
He further commented that we are living in a crippled society. But we shall add to it to say that people live in fear and insecurity of life.
For the terrible sufferings of our people it will not be the whole truth to hold only the few powerful responsible. Because without the help of many across the entire gamut of administration it would not have been possible to treat the whole nation as helpless for a ransom. Almost everybody holding any state power indulges freely in exploiting the people for personal gain. When we say corruption is rampant, we also say abuse of power is rampant.
It appears that we have become a nation without conscience. That is not wholly true and that is why we have found a lonely few to take risks to bring sense into the affairs of government.
The people are surprised and shocked to find their long struggle for the desire to live in democracy has lost meaning in free Bangladesh. There are some to whom those who went to India have all the rights to decide the fate of our people. To them the Liberation War was not the people’s war for their democratic rights. To deprive our people of their right to free election is a matter of no concern.
Mirjafforian betrayal is prevailing everywhere in free Bangladesh where the drive for authoritarianism is finding its way easy. They considered nothing wrong to treat our people as captive people for all kinds of lies and injustices.
The crisis of making Bangladesh belonging to the people of Bangladesh will not be easy to resolve. We have to find out who they are and who we are.
So blaming few is not enough if we the many do not assert.
