BKF views Padma bridge as highly significant


Business Desk :
The Bangladesh Knowledge Forum (BKF) at its monthly meeting credited the Padma Bridge for adding important dimensions to knowledge endeavors and inclusive and sustainable development of Bangladesh.
BKF viewed the Padma Bridge as an adequate manifestation of Bangladesh’s strong economic resilience, strength, and potential for higher economic growth and enhanced competitiveness. In its monthly meeting held on July 2, the BKF termed the Padma Bridge as a remarkable and highly significant infrastructure expansion that will spur higher economic growth in the medium term. and facilitate transition to high-income developed country status by 2041. This infrastructure will have a significant impact on agricultural productivity, manufacturing, trade, and services, strengthening domestic connectivity, reducing poverty, and creating employment, entrepreneurial, and business opportunities.
The BKF suggested supportive measures that would support and expedite achieving economic and social gains and progress through the use of this bridge, for example, efficient managerial and technical support for high-quality maintenance, easy access to soft credit and capital for entrepreneurs, special incentives for SMEs, trade and services, relocation of branches of financial as well as public and private sector institutions. BKF feels further decentralization will propel and expedite economic and social development of Bangladesh.
