Realisation of agri loan: BKB issues red letters to 500 farmers in Chitalmari

Bagerhat Correspondent :
A local branch of Bangldesh Krishi Bank (BKB) has issued red letters to more than 500 poor farmers at Chitalmari Upazila in Bagerhat district recently.
 Those letters were issued as final notices to the farmers on the charge of failing to repay the money borrowed from the bank as loans in scheduled time.
 The target of the recovery of the loan of the bank was Tk 13 . 44 cr in the Upazila in the calendar year of 2017 while the target of the distribution of the loan was Tk11cr in the Upazila in the same calendar year and 89 percent of the target of the disbursement of the loan was fulfilled. On the other hand, the farmers who received the red letters were thrown into utter distress to repay their agriculture loans along with interest within a short time.
Bimal Bala of village Sreerampur under the Upazila told The New Nation, I borrowed a sum of Tk.60 thousand only from Chitalmari Branch of Krishi Bank on June 06, 2013.
Now I am to repay a sum of Tk.1 lakh 5 thousand (including principal amount and its interest). The red letter were issued to me from the bank on December 17, 2017 asking me to repay the total amount within a very short time. But it is quite impossible on my part to deposit the entire amount with the bank within the scheduled time. So, he is now alarmed greatly for fear of money suit.
 Manaranjon Bala of the same village said , I borrowed a sum of Tk 1 lakh 5 thousand as loan from the bank on December12, 2013. Now I was asked through the Red Letter issued from the bank to deposit a sum of Tk.1 lakh 92 thousand 257 (principal amount along with its interest) with the bank within the prescribed time. Both of them disclosed, not only we two received red letters but also more than 5 poor farmers of the Upazila received such letters. All of them were directed to repay their loans along with interest. All of them are now afraid of money suits
Arun Kanti Kundu and Shiba Das Roy, Manager and 2nd Officer of Chitalmari branch of Krishi Bank respectively told. Chitalmari is mainly an agriculture based Upazila in Bagerhat and 80 per cent people of the same are engaged in agriculture. Considering the matter Taka several crores are distributed among the farmers as agricultural loans from the bank. But a few number of farmers did not repay the loans.
They added, finding no other alternative final notices, red letters were issued to the defaulters from the bank as per the banking rules to repay the principal amount borrowed from the ban along with its interest within the scheduled time.