bKash launches eKYC app for AC opening

Business Desk :
Mobile financial service provider, bKash launched e-KYC (Electronic-Know-Your-Customer) app so that customers can open their account by themselves.
The eKYC app would allow customers to open their bKash account with instant activation only scanning NID and taking photo without any documents, said a press release.
Using OCR (Optical Character Recognition) to collect data from NID, face detection technology and cross matching data with Election Commission (EC) database, the app is making the whole system more integrated and less operational complexity.
In this system, the respective fields of the eKYC form are filled up by an automated scanning process OCR to extract information from the NID.
Then a photo is taken directly by the mobile phone and all the information are cross matched with EC database.
After proper verification, the system will automatically register the customer account and send confirmation message to both the eKYC app user and the new customer.
At this moment, agents, bKash care, bKash centre and distributors are registering new customers using this interactive app.
But, bKash plans to render this solution directly to the customers so that they can open accounts by themselves.