BIWTC to start 13-day special Eid services for home-bound passengers


Barisal Correspondent :
Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Corporation (BIWTC) will start 13-day special steamer services from Thursday July 24 from Dhaka-end on occasion of upcoming Eid Ul Fitr festival with five vessels.
The Eid special service of BIWTC vessels with regular services will continue till August 5, said M A Matin, deputy general manager ( commercial/ passenger and ferry)BIWTC.
The Eid Ul Fitr festival of the Muslim community would be celebrated on July 29 or 30 and vacations on this occasion will start from July 25.
Barisal and Narayanganj BIWTC stations has been asked to provide special tug boats and piloting services and be prepared to face any emergency calls, the BIWTC official said.
BIWTC sources said five BIWTC vessels named peddle wheel steamers PS Ostrich, PS Lepcha, PS Mahsud, PS Turn, and screw wheel motor vessel MV Banglaee have been placed to carry passengers to their respective destinations connecting Chandpur, Barisal, Jhalakathi, Hularhut of Pirojpur and Morelganj of Bagerhaat districts under this special schedule.
Every day at least one regular and one special vessel would be placed to connect different destinations of the routes for the home bound Eid Ul Fitr passengers, said Gopal Chandra Majumdar, assistant general manager BIWTC Barisal.
Under this schedule PS Mahsud will ply on July 24,27,31 and August 4 from Dhaka and July 26,29 and August 2 from Barisal, PS Ostrich on July 26, 29 and August 3 from Dhaka and July 28, 31 and August 5 from Barisal, PS Turn on July 28, August 1, 5 from Dhaka and July 30 from Barisal and August 3 from Morelganj, PS Lepcha on July 25,30 and August 2 from Dhaka, July 27 from Morelganj and July 27 and August 1, 4 from Barisal, MV Banglaee on July 24,25,26,27,28,31, August 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 from Dhaka and July 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, , August 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 from Barisal-ends.
