Birth anniv of Justice Abu Sayeed Chy today


Ninety fourth anniversary of birth of leading organiser of war of liberation and former President late Justice Abu Sayeed Chowdhury will be observed today. Heritage Archives has arranged school level essay competition on life and achievements of the former President at Tangail.
Justice Abu Sayeed Chowdhury was born in 31 January 1921 at Nagbari in the district of Tangail. He was the only son of eminent politician former Speaker of erstwhile Provincial Assembly late Abdul Hamid Chowdhury. Justice Chowdhury resigned as Vice-Chancellor of Dhaka University on 15th March 1971 in protest of killing of two students by Pakistani occupation army.
In 1985 he was unanimously elected chairman of UN Human Rights Commission.
In 1946 he was President of All India Muslim Students Federation Britain branch.

Justice Abu Sayeed Chowdhury played a significant role in anti-autocracy movement in the eighties. He donated large amount of his properties in religious and academic institutions of different upazilas of Tangail.
He authored four books “Probashey Muktijuddher Dinguli,” “Manobadhikar” “Human Rights in the Twentieth Century” and “Muslim family law in the English Courts.”
