Birth anniv of Deng Xiaoping observed in city


The 112th birth anniversary of Comrade Deng Xiaoping the leader of Chinese Communist Party and reformer of Marxism and the architect of development of China was observed by Bangladesh-China Friendship Center (BCFC) & Deng Xiaoping Study Center at the main auditorium of the National Museum in the city on August 23 last.
The programme was started by paying tribute to the portrait of the great leader Deng Xiaoping. Mr. Ma Ming Xiang, Chinese Ambassador in Bangladesh who was attended as a chief guest of the program. M.Delwar Hossain President of Bangladesh-China Friendship Center (BCFC) and other members of the BCFC were present on the occasion.
A discussion meeting on life and work of the great leader was also held on the occasion.

 While speaking Mr. Ma Ming Xiang said that China remains with Bangladesh as a friend and participated in many project and supporting Bangladesh for development. Bangladesh should learn from China and rectifying the mistakes of China made in his way of development.
The ambassador said Deng’s reform has a direct contribution in his personal life, he said. When he was a student of school , the reforms opened the way for entering into college for 4% talented students and he got the opportunity to get that way , he become the ambassador of China coming from very poor family, he added.
Ashequr Rahman, MP, Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Public Administration said, China is a power of today and tomorrow. Mr .Asheq appreciating Deng and said the great lesson we should learn from Deng’s life.
