Bioethics practices for moral values of students emphasised

BSS, Dhaka :
Educationists at a workshop on Friday said bioethics should be practiced for developing a sense of patriotism and moral values of students to make themselves as honest leaders.
Youths need to be developed leadership quality from their student life to do better in every sphere of society, they told the youth leadership training workshop on “Bioethics for ensuring human rights” at Northern University Bangladesh (NUB) here.
Bangladesh Bioethics Society (BBS) in collaboration of NUB organized the workshop, where 60 students from different universities and colleges participated.
Former teacher of Department of Philosophy of Dhaka University Prof Rowshan Ara, BBS Secretary General Prof Dr Shamima Parvin Lasker, Associate Professor of Zoology Department of Dhaka College Dr Noor E Parvin, among others, addressed the different sessions of the workshop. There is a relation between human rights and bioethics, Prof Rowshan said students should be taught both the two important components, which will help them as honest and efficient leaders.
Bioethics practices will develop moral values and a sense of honesty of students and they will better for the country and its people in their professional life, she added.
Prof Shamima said the workshop was organized to promote strong ethical values, practice of ethics and morality among the young generation in their professional and social life to lead the nation for upholding human rights for long term sustainability of the country. “Students lack adequate knowledge on human rights and as a result they cannot exercise their rights properly in different spheres of society,” she said, adding students should be imparted knowledge on human rights to groom up responsible citizens in the country.