Plying cargos, grabbing lands: Bio-diversity in Sundarbans threatened

A Correspondent, Khulna :
Bio-diversity in the Sundarbans has been facing a great threat as 50 to 60 cargo ships are playing at canals on Horintana- Dudmukhi- Shwarankhola and Bogi in the Sundarbans.
 Environment and Forest Department recommended to use alternate routes but they are not using them.
 Besides , some influential land pirates have been grabbing lands adjacent to the Sundarbans, the largest mangrove forest in the world.
Environment Directorate sources said, due to using navigability in Mongla- Ghoshiakhali watch route, cargoes and other small and big ships are facing problems. The ships are plying through 60 Kms route of Sundarbans.
As a result, the wild animals and water animals are getting troubles in respect of their living.
The Environment Ministry selected 3 alternate routes – the first is Rufongla – Poshur river, 3 cornered Island, Kokilmone – Tiarchar – Shelarchar, Rutside Kotka – Boleswar river – Bogi, The Second route is Mongla – Poshwr river 3 cornered island Kokil-muni – Tian char – Shela river – Patakata canal – Betmore river, Dudmukhi – Shupati – Blecswar river – Bogi and The thinrd route is Mongla – Poshur River – Charaputia canal – Arabaki canal – Dudmukhi Shupati – Boleswar River.
But violating the directives, the water transports are plying through the Sundarbans after keeping in danger the wild life .
Dr. Tarun Kanti Shikder, Director , Khulna Environment Directorate said, Ghoshiakhali route was disclosed in 1973. In order to save biodiversity of the Sundarbans. Environment and Forest Ministry jointly recommended to use 3 alternative routes, but BIWTA is violating this regard immediately.
Divisional Forest Officer (DFO) of Sundarbans West Md. Jahiruddin Ahmed told The New Nation , more than 50 cargoes ply in Horintana – Dudmukhi – Shwarankhola – Bogi and Dudmukhi route. Forest animals including dolphins are facing threat due to horns and oil – throwing by the cargoes.
It is mentionable in this connection that there are more than 375 wild life species in SRF which include 35 reptiles, 315 birds and 42 mammals in the Sundarbans.