Bimstec to emerge as greatly potential bloc: Secy Gen


Economic Reporter :
Bimstec Secretary General Sumith Nakandala on Tuesday said the Bay of Bengal regional cooperation is bound to succeed as the regional bloc will emerge as an effective, pragmatic and sustainable organisation benefiting vast people.
“Much has been done. We’ve concrete achievements. Bay of Bengal regional cooperation is bound to succeed. I’m a firm believer that it’ll be a reality,” he told the mediaat his office sharing his mixed feelings over the activities of the 20-year-old organisation.
Nakandala, however, acknowledged that they could not yet conclude the Bimstec Free Trade Agreement (FTA) though the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (Bimstec), established on June 6, 1997 enters the third decade since its establishment.
“This is one of the unresolved things. I think, with the renewed political commitment, as seen at Bimstec Retreat in Goa, we’re now poised to achieve that as early as possible,” said the Bimstec Secretary General.
Nakandala, also a former Sri Lankan diplomat, said this is the kind of focus area on which all need to work in a cooperative manner to translate the directives given by Bimstec leaders.
“We’re living in a highly interconnected world and information and technology enhanced that connectivity,” he said highlighting the benefits of regional cooperation.
Nakandala said such cooperation will ultimately benefit the people of the region improving their lifestyle, bringing in prosperity and holistic human security.
Citing the establishment of its Secretariat in Dhaka as one of the biggest achievements, the Secretary General said it bought momentum in Bimstec’s activities.
Two multilateral documents are ready for signing now — one is Bimstec MoU on Transgrid Connections and another is mutual legal assistance on criminal matter ahead of the 4th Bimstec Summit to be held in Nepal this year.
“We’re in touch with our leaders in Nepal, and we’re looking for a convenient date for the 4th Summit,” the Secretary General added.
Responding to a question, he said the draft on Bimstec Motor Vehicle Agreement has been circulated among its member states. “We’re planning to resume the first round of talks on the issue as early as possible.”
