Hajj flights: Biman will take more planes on lease

UNB, Dhaka :
State-run Biman Bangladesh Airlines has inducted four aircrafts on wet lease in its fleet for the Hajj period to carry the pilgrims without any hiccup.
“One aircraft has arrived while three others will be coming very soon,” Biman GM (Public Relations) Shakil Meraj told UNB.
He said that of the four aircrafts, two are from Malaysian Fly Global while two others will come from Egyptian Air Leaser. Malaysian company will provide two Airbus 330 and these two have 300-seat capacity, while aircrafts provided by the Egyptian company will be 777-200 with a capacity of 406 seats.
All the aircrafts are coming under ACMI (Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance and Insurance) lease, which is popularly known as wet lease, from July 14 to September 25. Shakil Meraj said that Biman will carry the pilgrims mainly by its own 419-seated 777-300ER aircrafts and the leased aircrafts will be there as supporting crafts.
“We will run the wet leased planes in our regular routes to ensure our on time departure,” he said.
The Biman GM said that the airliner has asked its offices and agents to take 100 percent ticket money while taking booking. “We are thinking to impose penalty if anyone does not fly with the designated flight,” he said adding that the state run company does not want to lose its capacity during the peak season. Biman Bangladesh Airlines has lost Tk 40crore in revenues as it cancelled a good number of hajj flights last year as the pilgrims failed to obtain visa from Saudi Arabian Embassy. Established in February 1972, Biman is operating flights to seven domestic and 15 international destinations. Out of the international destinations, Biman operates to two destinations in the SAARC countries, four in South East Asia, eight in the Gulf and Middle-East and one destination in Europe. Biman has 12 aircraft in its fleet including four 777-300ER, two 777-200ER, four f737-800 and two Dash8-Q400 aircraft.