Bills passed to raise President, PM’s privileges

UNB, Dhaka :
Parliament on Wednesday unanimously passed two bills seeking to raise the remuneration and privileges of the President and the Prime Minister.
With the passage of the bills, the monthly remuneration of the President and the Prime Minister has been increased to almost double. Agriculture Minister Matia Chowdhury, who is in-charge of the Cabinet Division in the House, piloted ‘The President’s (Remuneration and Privileges) (Amendment) Bill, 2016’ and ‘The Prime Minister’s (Remuneration)
Bill, 2016.’ The two bills were passed by voice votes in Parliament.
The bills proposed separately increasing the monthly salary to Tk 120,000 from existing Tk 61,100 for the President while Tk 115,000 from Tk 58,600 for the Prime Minister. Besides, the bills proposed increasing other privileges for them. According to a bill, the President shall be provided with insurance cover of Tk 27 lakh instead of existing 15 lakh on annual basis at government cost for journeys by air.
The bill says, if the Prime Minister decides to reside in his/her own house or in any house other than the official residence, s/he shall be entitled to receive Tk 1 lakh instead of Tk 50,000 per month.