Billboard eviction drive continues

Chittagong Bureau :
The eviction drive of billboards by the City Corporation mobile court is still continuing unabated but the High Court in its directives on Tuesday prohibited Chittagong Development Authority to refrain from eviction campaign until further orders till hearing of the writ petition that filed by the proprietor of Ad Frame Arshadul Alam Bachchu on November 23 last.
 HC issued Rule Nishi on CDA regarding eviction drive . The monthlong drive launched by the city corporation led by executive magistrate Nazia Shirin from last month. The eviction drive will expire on December 10 next.
CCC Magistrate sources said on Tuesday about 18 big and small billboards have been evicted from Laldighi and kotwali area. On Tuesday , the eviction drive was continued from 10 am to 4 pm, sources said. .
 Mobile court also realized penalty of Tk.35 thousands from the respective ad firms for erecting these illegal bill boards, sources said.
Solar panel distribution inaugurated: Deputy Commissioner of Chittagong Mesbahuddin inaugurated the distribution programs of Training and Solar System aimed at installing the solar panels in union information and service centre .
 Under the project of Rural Poverty Alleviation Foundation in cooperation of district administration, the program was inaugurated at Circuit house conference hall in Chittagong on Tuesday .
 The Deputy commissioner in the inauguration ceremony said every trained entrepreneurs of solar panel will properly use the panel correctly through training without any negligence. He also mentioned that in Chittagong district 169 information and service was set up and one entrepreneur from each centre trained and solar panel will be distributed to every entrepreneurs for installing in respective centre, he said.