Bikalpadhara accuses Dr Kamal-led alliance of creating barriers

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Mahi B Chowdhury, a leader of Jatiya Oikya Prokriya ally Bikalpadhara, has accused leaders of the anti-government alliance of creating barriers, in signs of a growing rift in splinter groups.
Mahi said he and his father AQM Badruddozza Chowdhury went to Jatiya Oikya Prokriya chief Dr Kamal Hossain’s home earlier in the day to join a planned meeting. But they found the home locked and eventually departed after waiting in the car for some time.
“There isn’t even anyone to open the gate,” Mahi said on Saturday evening.
Mahi and his father held a separate press conference

in Baridhara on Saturday evening as Dr Kamal formed a new anti-government alliance with the BNP, leaving out Bikalpadhara.
Badruddozza said he wished to see a broader alliance against the domination of a single party: the Awami League.
The internal rift came to a head after the groups scheduled to meet to finalise the outline of the anti-government alliance on Saturday called separate press conferences.
