Big club visits good for Asia, says officialk


AFP, Manama :

Visits by big European clubs to Asia are good for football in the region, a senior Asian official has insisted, dismissing concerns over the trips.
European clubs are welcomed by thousands of star-struck fans, but critics say their popularity comes at the expense of local leagues, many of which are struggling.
However, Asian Football Confederation (AFC) general secretary Alex Soosay said complaints about the money-spinning tours were wide of the mark.
“We’ve seen Chelsea, Arsenal, Liverpool, Manchester (United) travelling to Indonesia, Malaysia, China,” Soosay said at the AFC congress in Bahrain.
“These are the countries where football is now taking off. China did well in the 2015 Asian Cup and there’s a lot of interest gathered there.
“Indonesia (have) potential. So there’s great popularity, that’s important. And I don’t believe this popularity will affect in any way or damage in any way, but will encourage.”
Real Madrid, Liverpool and Arsenal are among the teams headed to Asia in the coming months, in visits which boost their fanbase and merchandise sales. Soosay said the visiting clubs raise football’s profile and help development through their coaching clinics and by funding facilities like new pitches.
“There’s a lot of following in Asia for the European clubs. If you go to China you hear ‘Chelsea, Chelsea’. If you go to Malaysia you hear ‘Manchester, Manchester’,” he said. “So this kind of interest is very encouraging, not only to those ardent followers but also for the children.”
