Biden`s determination for leadership to restore democracy is a great hope for struggling people

US President-elect Joe Biden has vowed to restore America’s leadership role in the world by reversing the unilateralism of the four years of Trump administration. He also promised to host a gathering of the world’s democracies to demonstrate his commitment to democratic values at home and abroad. His administration will elevate diplomacy and lead by the “power of example,” rather than the “example of power.”
By nearly every measure, the credibility and influence of the United States in the world have diminished since President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden left office on January 20, 2017. President Donald Trump has belittled, undermined, and in some cases abandoned U.S. allies and partners.
In truth, Mr Biden has inherited a situation in which allies are questioning US credibility as the leader of the free world meaning democratic world as against authoritarianism of communist world. The president-elect has vowed to repair as much damage as possible in his first 100 days in office by reversing a number of orders signed by outgoing President Donald Trump. President Trump as a land developer business had no quality to be the president of the United States. He represented the worst in American history.
Critics say the orders upended international hope that US involvement in upholding democracy world over end. US isolationism under Trump has simply allowed China and Russia to expand their influence. Trump’s ‘America First’ policy came from his lack of idea how great America is.
His narrow minded America was not ready to tolerate. The United Nations, the hope for better world where human rights will be safe. Trump threatened to leave the United Nations (UN), but the US has so far left two organisations within the UN body: The Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). The US cited unfair treatment with ally Israel in both cases.
Mr Biden has to take step to strengthen the United Nations. Otherwise, the functioning of the UN and various other international bodies will stand still. The very purpose of UN to build a new work order as against iron curtain will otherwise be foiled. Thanks to American people for creating a new opportunity to uphold their greatness built by their great founding fathers.
In many third world countries it has become a fashion to build a corrupt alliance among the state agencies of power and run the country like monarchy of the olden days of slavery. The people are nobody to be accountable. Free speech and independent justice system are denied first. The people live in fear of insecurity of life. The judiciary is not only denied independence, the courts and the police are jointly used for political suppression through court cases.
Our conviction is that President-elect Biden’s support for unshackling the people from the injustices of authoritarianism should be a priority for the strength and unity of the free world. Its a brave challenge but America has many avenues to deal easily with the deniers of human rights. They have no popular base that is the worst fear.
