Biden mulling White House run: NYT

AFP, Washington :
Vice President Joe Biden is actively exploring a possible presidential run, a move which would jolt the Democratic field and its frontrunner Hillary Clinton, The New York Times reported Saturday.
Traditionally, a Democrat would not take on a fellow party member who was leading the field decisively — and Biden has not done so officially.
Still, “Biden’s advisers have started to reach out to Democratic leaders and donors who have not yet committed to Mrs Clinton, or who have grown concerned about what they see as her increasingly visible vulnerabilities as a candidate,” the Times reported.
Also Saturday, Times columnist Maureen Dowd reported that Biden had been holding meetings at his residence, “talking to friends, family and donors about jumping in” to challenge Clinton in Iowa and New Hampshire, the first two nominating states.
The former first lady, ex-US senator and former secretary of state — an attorney by training — is sometimes criticized as being lawyerly and evasive.