Biden ‘committed to strengthening’ ties with Bangladesh


US President Joe Biden and Secretary Antony J.Blinken are “committed to strengthening” the Dhaka-Washington relationship as the two countries address common challenges, says a senior US official.
The two countries address some of the most pressing regional and global challenges together, including the Rohingya humanitarian crisis and global challenge to tackle climate change, said the official.
“Bangladesh’s impressive economic sector provides a solid platform on which to expand and deepen our relationship,” said Marcia Bernicat, senior official for economic growth, energy and the environment.
She made the remarks while addressing virtual launching of the U.S.-Bangladesh Business Council on Tuesday. Bernicat said the United States is proud of the partnership that they have built with the Bangladeshi people since Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman led a proud and determined people to achieve their independence 50 years ago.
“How fitting that we honor that important anniversary today by launching the U.S.-Bangladesh Business Council,” she said.
She said the US continues to look for ways to help make Bangladesh more attractive for investment, which in turn provides for the transparency and rule of law that all companies thrive in.
Similarly, Bernicat said, they look forward to welcoming Bangladeshi investment into the United States from the country’s increasingly internationally competitive companies. She said President Biden has emphasized the challenge of climate change, stating that “the United States and the world face a profound climate crisis” and by placing climate change at the center of our foreign policy, diplomacy, and national security.
The US official said Bangladesh’s leadership in addressing climate change offers the United States – and the world – a great partner to tackle this climate crisis.
As president of the Climate Vulnerable Forum and the Vulnerable Twenty Group of Finance Ministers, Bangladesh has a leading voice and can make irreplaceable contributions toward a successful COP26, she said.
