Any such incident denied: Bid to attack car carrying Khaleda, Tarique in UK

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An attack has been attempted on the car carrying BNP chief Khaleda Zia and son Tarique Rahman in London, a source says.
A source, who declined to be named, told by telephone the incident took place at Harley Street in Central London at around 6:30pm on Tuesday.
The source said, Tarique’s wife Zobaida Rahman was also travelling with them in the car during the bid.
But the party’s UK chapter has denied any such incident having taken place.
The source also claimed the unit’s Secretary General Koysor Ahmed was also with Khaleda.
A video footage of the purported incident is available with There, several people are seen active near a parked car. The car then leaves the place in a hurry and those people can be seen at the time.
But whether that place was in Harley Street is not clear in the video. A woman’s voice can be heard in the footage, which the source claims to be of Khaleda.
The London correspondent of said words about the attack were circulating but neither the BNP nor the Awami League is saying anything in public.
President of the BNP’s UK unit MA Malek has denied the incident. Speaking to the London correspondent, General Secretary Koysor claimed there was no ‘truth’ about the incident. He also said Khaleda was not using any white car in London.
He also said the date for her return to Bangladesh was not decided yet. The BNP chief was enjoying time with family. The former prime minister is scheduled to address a party gathering next Sunday, Koysor added.