Mitu murder: Bhola rickshaw puller found with victim`s SIM card

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Police have recovered the SIM card of Mahmuda Aktar Mitu, the murdered wife of former SP Babul Aktar, from a rickshaw puller in Bhola.
Detective police found the SIM in Bhola’s Lalmohan Upazila on Tuesday, said Chittagong’s Additional Deputy Commissioner (North)
 MD Quamruzzaman. Quamruzzaman is also the Case Investigation Officer for the murder. Despite the SIM’s recovery, police have not found the victim’s mobile phone.
“The man who had the SIM had worked as a rickshaw puller in Chittagong,” said the police official. “He said he found the SIM on the road three months ago in the city’s Bakolia area.” On June 5, Mitu, wife of police counter-terrorism officer Babul Aktar, was stabbed and shot in the head by attackers while she was taking their son to a school bus at OR Nizam Road.
Eight months into the investigation, police have made several arrests but have not found a motive for the murder. Babul Aktar and Mitu’s parents have spoken to the investigation team several times during the case’s development. On Jan 26 Mitu’s mother, Saheda Mosharraf Neela, told the media that police had found Mitu’s phone was still active and in use. Police had also spoken with an autorickshaw driver who had used the mobile SIM, she said. “We have not been able to verify when the rickshaw puller got the SIM,” said investigation officer Quamruzzaman. “Though he is a rickshaw puller by profession, he sometimes drives an autorickshaw.”
The rickshaw puller has not been arrested.