BHB distributes Tk 1.14cr to marginal weavers


Bangladesh Handloom Board (BHB) yesterday distributed about Taka 1.14 crore microcredits to 371 marginal weavers to increase production and for upgrading the standard living of the weavers.
Textiles and Jute Minister M Emaz Uddin Pramanik distributed the loans as the chief guest at a function at Jute Diversification Promotion Centre (JDPC) auditorium in the city, said a press release. M Emaz Uddin Pramanik underscored the need for improving the living standard of weavers through rehabilitation for materializing the dream of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. “We will provide all kinds of supports to the weaver community to ensure their standard living,” he said. State Minister for Textiles and Jute Ministry Mirza Azam and Textiles and Jute Secretary M A Quader Sarker, among others, also spoke on the occasion.
Mirza Azam said the government is providing all kinds of assistance to the weavers for increasing their living standard and making them self-reliant. According to Bangladesh Bureau of Statistic, about 15 lakh people are involved with the industry.
