Bhasani’s death anniv observed

UNB, Dhaka :
The 40th death anniversary of great national leader Maulana Abdul Hamid Khan Bhasani was observed across the country in a befitting manner on Thursday.
Different socio-political organisations observed the day with elaborate programmes, included placing wreaths at his grave,
holding discussions, milad mahfils and poetry recitation sessions. Bhasani, popularly known as ‘Majlum Jananeta’, the leader of the downtrodden, passed away on November 17, 1976.
Hundreds of people paid rich tributes to the national leader by placing wreaths at his grave at Santosh in Tangail. Awami League, BNP, Jatiya Party, National Awami Party (NAP-Bhasani), Krishak Sramik Janata League, Maulana Bhasani Science and Technology University, and Bhasani Smrity Sangsad and different other socio-political organisations paid homage to him by placing wreaths at his grave.