Bharara ‘fired after unusual Trump calls’

AP :
A former US senior prosecutor says he was fired after he refused to answer a phone call from President Donald Trump.
In his first televised interview since he was sacked by Trump in March, former New York US attorney Preet Bharara told ABC News Trump had initially asked him to stay on. Trump then began making “very unusual phone calls” to him when he was still president-elect and appeared to be “trying to cultivate some kind of relationship,” Bharara told ABC’s “This Week.”
But after Trump took office in January, Bharara refused to answer one of his calls as they made him feel uncomfortable. “The call came in. I got a message. We deliberated over it, thought it was inappropriate to return the call. And 22 hours later I was asked to resign along with 45 other people,” Bharara said.
“To this day I have no idea why I was fired.” He said his experience was similar to that of former FBI director James Comey, who was fired by Trump last month and who earlier this week gave testimony about his encounters with the US president to the Senate.