BHALUKA (Mymensingh): Alhaj Kazim Uddin Ahmed Dhonu MP distributing educational materials, certificates and cash among the meritorious students of different educational institutes from Prim Minister’s Special Fund at Upazila Parisahd Auditorium on Monday.

BHALUKA (Mymensingh): Alhaj Kazim Uddin Ahmed Dhonu MP distributing educational materials, certificates and cash among the meritorious students of different educational institutes from Prim Minister's Special Fund at Upazila Parisahd Auditorium on Monda
BHALUKA (Mymensingh): Alhaj Kazim Uddin Ahmed Dhonu MP distributing educational materials, certificates and cash among the meritorious students of different educational institutes from Prim Minister's Special Fund at Upazila Parisahd Auditorium on Monda

