BGMEA issues 17 directives to prevent Omicron


Staff Reporter :
The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) has asked the member factories 17 directions to follow in order to prevent Omicron, a new type of corona pandemic.
The BGMEA has imposed the directions as the new variant is spreading panic worldwide.
In the directions, it said that the factory owners will have to set different shifts to avoid overcrowding during opening and closing times.
It is also necessary to make special transport arrangements for the workers for maintaining physical distance, it said.
If possible, separate shifts can be arranged for working hours of the different departments in the apparel factories, the BGMEA said.
The workers should be sent for body temperature measurement and if necessary for health check before entering the factory, the direction said.
It also said the factory will have to provide adequate soap and water for washing the workers’ hands in main gate.
It needs to be encouraged the workers to avoid crowds at workplace, the BGMEA suggested.
Apart from this, the factory owners will have to fix separate time for different breaks including lunch break of the workers.
The BGMEA has also directed the member factories to make it mandatory for the workers to wear masks at all times in the workplace.
The workers have been suggested to avoid all kinds of social, political, religious and other public gatherings.
If there are signs of corona infection, the concerned worker should be kept in isolation and the factory authority will have to coordinate with the local authority to test the worker’s sample.
If the corona test is positive, the authorities will have to provide isolation to the patient as well as quarantine of others who come in contact with the patient concerned, the direction said.
The level of coronary transmission in the garment industry was very low by combined efforts and it was possible to control the infection by following the government’s health guidelines and protocols.
If effective measures are taken using past experience, it will be possible to control the new type of corona pandemic, the BGMEA said.
