BGB seizes Yaba worth Tk 6 crore from Cox’s Bazar


The Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) recovered two lakh pieces of Burmese Yaba worth Tk 6 crores during a drive at Ukhiya Upazila in Cox’s Bazar, said a BGB media release on Saturday.
The illegal drug was being smuggled to Bangladesh from Myanmar through Balukhal Katapahar area on Thursday, added the release.
Tipped off, a patrol team of BGB-34 under Balukhali BOP, conducted a drive in the area around 12:30am and challenged 4-5 people. Sensing the presence of the law enforcers, the suspected smugglers abandoned a sack and fled into the deep jungle. Later, the patrol team recovered the Yaba pills from the sack they left at the spot. Legal steps are being taken in this regard, said the release.
