BGB seizes 1.69 lakh Yaba in separate drives in Cox’s Bazar

Cox’sBazar Correspondent :
Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) has recovered 1 lakh 69 thousand five houndred pieces of Yaba pills in a drive in Ukhia and Teknaf upaztlas of Cox’s Bazar district.
On Friday morning, these yaba pills were recovered from Faisalkhali of Palangkhali Union in Ukhia upazila and West
 Moraapara area of Meinbazar in Hiakkong. The estimated price will be about Tk 5,08,50,000. But the BGB couild not arrest anyone as yet.
Cox’s Bazar BGB Commander Lieuenant Colonel Ali Haider Azad Ahmed said that the BGB members took the stand on the basis of a secret information that large quantities of Yaba shipment from Myanmar might have entered Bangladesh territory through Tumbrekhal of Faisakhali in Palangkhali Union.
At one stage, around 4 0’clock at dawn, a boat from Myanmar eached within the action of the BFB patrol team, the boat was challenged. The smugglers with the boat fled to Myanmar.
Later, BGB members recovered 1,50,000 pieces of Yaba tablets worth Tk 4,05,000,00 from the boat.
Away in Teknaf, BGB recovered 19 thousand 500 pieces of Yaba pills on the basis of intelligence reports. Its market price is about Tk 58,50,000 only .
Yaba is now under BGB custody in Ukhia and Teknaf. It will later be destroyed in the presence of senior officials, law enforcement agencies, media workers and individuals.