BGB deployed in capital

block :Ahead of Jamaat-e-Islamienforced countrywide shutdown programme scheduled on Wednesday and Thursday, the members of Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB) have been deployed across the capital to avoid any untoward incidents.BGB public relation officer Mahsin Reza confirmed this to on Tuesday afternoon.”BGB have been deployed to maintain the law and order situation in the capital,” said BGB official. EarlierJamaat-e-Islami has called the hartal for Wednesday and Thursday in protest against the International Crimes Tribunal-1(ICT-1) verdict that awarded death penalty to its Assistant Secretary General ATM Azharul Islam.Earlier in the day, the ICT-1 convicted the Jamaat leader on five charges including genocide, abduction and rape committed during the liberation war in 1971 and awarded capital punishment.Another countrywide dawn-to-dusk hartal enforced by BNP-led 20-party alliance was ended amid sporadic incidents across the country on Monday. The BNP-led 20-party alliance called the dawn-to-dusk shutdown in protest against the bar on their rally in Gazipur and demanding release of all detained BNP leaders and activists.
