BFF to get computerized registration system


The Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) will get soon a computerized system to maintain details of all its stakeholders across Bangladesh.
This digitalized platform will register clubs, players, officials, coaches and referees in every district and help BFF maintain the records in a database, source BFF online.
This platform called “FIFA Connect” will naturally help the national football body to keep track of every single stakeholder through a single system.
Based in Zurich, Switzerland, Martin Sam conducted a two-day workshop with BFF officials to determine the requirements in Bangladesh.
“The software has to be tweaked according to the requirements of each country depending on their standards,” said Martin Sam during a brief break amid a session with federation officials.
Sam explained that local BFF regulations may make it mandatory for each coach to have a certificate course for registration in which case he would configure the system in such manner that a coach would not be able to get registered without demonstrating that certification. “Well, essentially it would be a club responsible to get their coaches registered and it will also be up to them to ensure proper certification.”
Describing further, Sam added that the registration system would include not just a section of the stakeholders but it would register professionals and amateurs.
Martin Sam said this was the preliminary workshop to form his initial idea about the requirements. “There will naturally be several follow up sessions with the local officials till the system is ready to implement.”
Sam would then be back in Dhaka again to train the officials who will be using this software and implementing it at not only BFF headquarters but also in the districts. “We have not yet decided about that, but I will certainly be back for actual implementation phase.”
He said although the platform was being provided by FIFA, “The data and all the information and anything that comes out of the platform will be fully and wholly owned by BFF.”
Sam explained that the training and software was part of cooperation with FIFA but the global football would have no rights over the data and information later.
Sam’s two-day workshop ended on Friday last.
