BFF to arrange coronavirus test for booters again


Sports Reporter :
The Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) will arrange coronavirus tests for the booters of the 36-member preliminary squad again. Most of the booters will have to be physically present at the BFF House to report there to take part in the conditioning camp at the Sarah Resort in Gazipur.
The National Team Management Committee of BFF arranged a press conference at the BFF House on Saturday in this regard. Vice-President of Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) Kazi Nabil Ahmed, MP, Vice-President of BFF
Tabith Awal, General secretary of BFF Md Abu Nayeem Shohag, Member of National Team Management Committee of BFF Satyajit Das Rupu, Deputy-Chairman of BFF Medical Committee Dr Md Ali Imran were present at the conference, among others.
It may be mentioned that a number of 18 booters were tested positive for coronavirus. The Covid-19 test was held at a reputed hospital in the city. The Covid-19 test, held in that hospital on August 5, was a mistake, said a BFF press release issued on Saturday.
The Team Management Committee of BFF decided that they will arrange Covid-19 test for the booters twice in two city hospitals tomorrow.
After second Covid-19 test, the footballers including infected coronavvirus footballers will be taken to designated place for isolation, arranged by BFF.
Head Coach of Bangladesh Football team Jamie Day will join the training camp after completing his Covid-19 test. Jamie is scheduled to arrive in the city on August 17.
Captain of Bangladesh National Football team Jamal Bhuiyan is likely to reach the city from Denmark on August 30, while Tariq Raihan Kazi is likely to arrive in Dhaka from Finland on August 19.
Both of them will join the conditioning camp after they become negative for coronavirus test.
