BFF reveal football development plan

President of Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) Kazi Salahuddin speaking at a press conference at the conference room of BFF House on Saturday.
President of Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) Kazi Salahuddin speaking at a press conference at the conference room of BFF House on Saturday.

“Competition is the key of development” keeping ahead of this ‘slogan’ the Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) announced their action plan for the next four years to take the country’s football ahead.
BFF president Kazi M Salahuddin formally announced the plan through a press conference held on Saturday at conference room of BFF.
BFF senior vice president Abdus Salam Murshedy, BFF members Shawkat Ali Khan Jahangir, Amirul Islam Babu, Mahfuza Akter, Bijon Borua, and BFF general secretary Abu Nayeem Sohag were present on the occasion.
The BFF will implement their plans on eight key Technical pillars. These are elite player development, coach education and development, competitions, referee development, medical and sports science, professional clubs and leagues, women’s football and grassroots.
All the pillars are interlinked and interdependent in such a manner that the short term and long term development of the game relies on moving them forward in a systematic and integrated fashion.
The journey continues with Phase 3, the next evolutionary step with the focus on engaging and enriching the next generation.
Phases 1 and 2 which began in 2008 followed the theme competition drives Development,consequently more tournaments have been organised by the BFF over the last 8 years than in the 35 years before Kazi Salahuddin took over as BFF president.
Having achieved its targets of sponsorship, awareness, football development, and international visibility & credibility, the BFF is now ready to embark on its journey with Phase 3.
With phase 3, BFF will focus on Engaging and Enriching the Next Generation of Teachers, Players, Coaches and all fans involved in the game.
The newly published Football Plan sets out a vision for Phase 3 with clear tangible targets, key priorities, and aligned activities scheduled for 2017 and 2018. The funding of the scheduled activities will be published shortly in a separate document, said a BFF press release.
