BFDC urged to supply formalin-free fishes to super shops


Fisheries and Livestock Minister Narayan Chandra Chanda said BFDC has to take initiatives to supply and sell formalin-free fishes at the super shops across the country.
“Bangladesh Fisheries Development Corporation (BFDC) has to establish healthy and standard Shutki polli (dry fish processing center) at the coastal areas, take steps to free the fishermen from the control of moneylenders by providing them fishing net and boat. BFDC has to develop their life standard increase the fish production as well,” he said.
The minister came up with the observations recently while visiting the BFDC office at capital’s Kawran Bazar.
Narayan also ordered to strengthen BFDC, which was established by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, and use it to develop country’s fisheries sector, fish collection, processing, marketing and take steps to export healthy fish and fisheries item.
“We should develop the life standard of fishermen by giving government ponds and water bodies on lease to the local fishermen association for five-years. It will also accelerate the fish production in the country,” he added.
