Better knowledge management increases productivity


Mohammad Mosaddek Hussain :
(From previous issue)
The innovative networking issues of sharing knowledge that need to be covered in a creative manner of Information Technology of Communication, it would be conducive to proceed to changing the socio-economic interaction patterns between “advanced research & productive work” for improving “e.govern innovation” through the direct partnership of local and national participation. Broad goals on Science & Society issues : Creating M-Change (Mental Change) · First of all, the M-Change Project is intended to strongly support the strategic goal to create the most competitive and dynamic Knowledge-Based Economy.
· Secondly, The project M-Change is also part of the process of creating and strengthening research through the production of creative and integrated knowledge to create competitiveness.
· Thirdly, the M-Change project is to be intended to contribute to implementing Citizen’s debate on the future of the Knowledge Economy for growing a dynamic and flexible new networking Entrepreneurship.
More specific objectives of M-Change action plan may be :
· Putting responsible science growth at the heart of “e.govern” policy making · Bringing science innovative, policies closer to citizens by ITC interactive Communication
The project M-Change will be subdivided in some “sub-projects” oriented to develop Regional or National comparative RTD studies and promoting various interactive dialogues on “Science and Society” for improving Knowledge Economy in the wider dimension in the Europe as a whole.
Various kinds of project partnership will be of direct interest to citizens and focused on the general issue of the European Knowledge Driven Economy cognitive and actuative advancement. To fulfil those goals and objectives the FP6.-CITIZEN-3 proposal, it will be centred on the need to develop a “Mental Change approach especially about the issues regarding the sustainable development of networking entrepreneurship among RTD innovation and SMEs Competitiveness ( i.e. favouring for instance “ flexibility” “e.learning on the job innovation” “environmental economy”, “gender equality in science and society”…. an so on) It is desired that each “sub-project” corresponds to the promotion of a “Virtual Community” of to favour the participation by scientists and SMEs operators and Citizen in forums and hearings, that will be organized at Regional or National levels (or Inter -Regional particularly cross-border or trans-national level), where some particular issues are also of pan-European interest. The “science and society” forums, eager to improve the European Knowledge Driven Economy, will be encouraged, inter alia through the development of a database listing scientists with communication skills by appropriated partnership well expert in making information more accessible by means “e.Ediction” and “e.learning on demand” dissemination practices presented through WEB-PORTALLS written in diverse European Languages. To identify current economic conditions, aiming to assess the successive description of the key action of the M-Change Working plan proposals, for improving an “e.government” innovative strategy in favor of the development of future Knowledge Driven Economy. Therefore each partner need to build up a “survey-analysis” around a careful and thoughtful approach to distinguish (a), the old industrial society condition of development from (b), the potential economic impact of the future Knowledge Economy. This beyond indicated distinction, is an initial requirement to be done by each partner, aiming to describe the successive forecasting about the needs of “Mental Change” in “e.govern innovation” oriented to develop strategic choices and actions, based on the identification of economic Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) in a Regional inter-regional or National or Transnational thematic new look of strategic reinforcement of European Research Area ( ERA). All last but not at least partners can suggest some aspects of their Action /Research sub-projects on their local opportunities to contribute to the European Knowledge driven Development.
Partners can be taken into consideration, to overcoming of the obsolete criteria of development of the industrial society; some of the following issues emerge here:
· Growth and increasingly value of “Weightless Economies” (through new relationship between tangible and intangible added value to quality of production)
· Networking Extended Enterprises aggregation into a Business Strategy of Knowledge Economy
· Knowledge change and Technological ITC innovation in contemporary KDE.
· e.Education innovative strategies as well as for instance: on the job long distance training addressed to implementing Knowledge Economy understanding (particular contents in this field will be : Gender Equality, Ethics and Environmental values in Knowledge Economy, conception and criticisms on intellectual property European regulation and so on)
· Stakeholder’s Clusters and Virtual Community development in favor of SME’s competition policy in the context of the European Knowledge Economy. Therefore there is the possibility for a new economic growth which is potentially unbounded because of the nature of an extended advanced knowledge economy applications using ITC advanced methodologies, that will be very different from the role applied to knowledge in the obsolete industrial growth. Therefore the Mental Change proposal will be to realise an important contribute to the Knowledge Economy developing and communicating by ITC methods, post industrial growth theories and best practices .
Following those considerations goals and objectives the “Mental Change” FP6- project, promoted by of LRE/EGO-CreaNET of the University of Florence Italy, would like to aggregate interactive and proactive research teams and industrial partnership in collaboration with Governmental Institutions, to develop a “collaborative intelligence management”, aiming to give an important result, in the development of new way of thinking in Knowledge Economy application, to furthering understanding and practising the contemporary European strategy on Knowledge Economy. In conclusion it may be said that for the contemporary business sustainability, if the partnership consortium becomes able to share innovative knowledge for re-vitalising the old industrial cognitive, in a new way of developmental thought, that need to be appropriated to the future Knowledge Economy growth in many regions.
