District watch in pictures: BETAGI(Barguna): Shahjahan Kabir, Chairman, Betagi Upazila Parishad distributing certificates and cheques among the female workers under Rural Employment and Road Maintenance Project (RERMP) organised by LGED on Tuesday. Among others, Anwarul Islam, Executive Engineer of LGED was also present in the programme.

BETAGI(Barguna): Shahjahan Kabir, Chairman, Betagi Upazila Parishad distributing certificates and cheques among the female workers under Rural Employment and Road Maintenance Project (RERMP) organised by LGED on Tuesday. Among others, Anwarul Islam, Exe
BETAGI(Barguna): Shahjahan Kabir, Chairman, Betagi Upazila Parishad distributing certificates and cheques among the female workers under Rural Employment and Road Maintenance Project (RERMP) organised by LGED on Tuesday. Among others, Anwarul Islam, Exe

