Various issues talked: Bernicat meets Khaleda


US Ambassador to Bangladesh Marcia Bernicat on Wednesday discussed with BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia a wide range of issues relating to Bangladesh politics and matters of mutual interest of the two countries.
“We discussed a wide range of issues, as is routine. I’ll be seeking meetings with other political figures in the future [as well],” said the US envoy. She came up the remarks while talking to reporters after nearly a two-hour meeting with the BNP chief that began around 4:50pm at the latter’s Gulshan office. Bernicat said it is her responsibility as an US envoy to understand the current political climate by meeting various political parties. “I recently met general secretary of Awami League Mr Obaidul Quader. Yesterday evening, I met BNP Chairperson Khaleda Zia,” she said. BNP secretary general Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir, its standing committee member Nazrul Islam Khan and chairperson’s adviser Reaz Rahman were there at the meeting. This is the first meeting between the US Envoy and Khaleda after Donald Trump assumed office as the US President.
However, there was nor briefing from BNP’s side. Contacted, a BNP leader who was present at the meeting, told UNB that they discussed Bangladesh’s latest political situation, law and order, human rights condition, the new Election Commission, the development regarding the BNP chairperson’s cases and the next general election. He said they also talked about the BNP chairperson’s proposal, to be presented before the nation in the days to come, on election-time supportive government. The BNP leader said they told the US envoy about what kind atmosphere their party wants to join the next polls. “We also told her (Bernicat) the next election will not be different from 2014’s January-5 one if an election-time neutral administration is not installed.” He also said Khaleda Zia and Bernicat had a one-to-one meeting for a while.
