Belarus moves Roman Protasevich, Sofia Sapega to house arrest


BBC Online :
A Belarusian dissident who was taken off a Ryanair jet forced to land in Minsk has been transferred to house arrest, the authorities have confirmed.
Roman Protasevich was taken into custody on suspicion of inciting unrest after his dramatic capture on 23 May.
His girlfriend, Russian citizen Sofia Sapega, was arrested with him and has also been moved to house arrest, Belarus’s investigative committee said. The EU responded to the plane incident with sanctions on Belarus. Since their capture, during a flight from Greece to Lithuania, both EU states, Mr Protasevich and Ms Sapega have been paraded on Belarusian TV, shown confessing to criminal activity in recordings which appeared to have been made under duress. Western countries accuse Belarus of hijacking the Ryanair plane that was forced to land in Minsk over a supposed bomb threat.
