Belarus keen on joint venture investments


BSS, Dhaka :
Investors of Belarus are keen in investment in joint venture tractor assembling and in the pharmaceuticals sector in Bangladesh.
Belarusian Ambassador Vitaly A. Prima said this during a meeting with Industries Minister Amir Hossain Amu at his office in the ministry, said an official release.
The envoy said Belarus meets 60 per of its demand for medicines through imports. Joint investment in the pharmaceutical sector can benefit both the countries, he added.
Industries Secretary Mohammad Mainuddin Abdullah, Bangladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation (BSEC) Chairman M Ataur Rahman and officials of foreign ministry were present at the meeting.
Different aspects of bilateral cooperation in industries sector, including automobile and modern agriculture equipment, came for discussion in the meeting.
The Belarus envoy sought cooperation of the industries minister to implement the proposed joint venture project of Minsk Tractor Works.
The minister said the government is giving emphasis on technology-based production system to modernize the agriculture sector.
The authorities concerned are ready to help set up tractor assembling factory in joint venture with Belarus, he added.
Amir Hossain Amu said Bangladeshi entrepreneurs are manufacturing world standard medicines and exporting those to more than 80 countries.
Entrepreneurs from Belarus can invest in the pharmaceutical sector at private level in Bangladesh, he observed.
He called for enhancing duty-free access of Bangladeshi products for increasing exports to Belarus.
