Beijing 2022 releases second edition of Playbook


Agency :
With less than two months to go before the Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games, the organizing committee, together with the International Olympic Committee and the International Paralympic Committee, published the second edition of the Playbook that outlines Covid-19 countermeasures for the Games.
Like the first edition, the Playbook offers separate versions for athletes and team officials, as well as other stakeholders, including the Olympic and Paralympic Family, press and broadcasters, International Federations and the general workforce.
The latest updates include information requested directly by stakeholders and from feedback received during various briefings held since October, with additional information about vaccinations; customs entry requirements; flight booking; pre-departure testing; the pre-Games period; the closed-loop system; accommodation; transport; food and beverage; screening testing; health monitoring; close contact management; and the period between the Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
A “Key points to remember” section is also included to help guide stakeholders through each stage of their Games-time experience.
“The measures outlined in the Playbooks are formulated in accordance with the latest Covid-19 scientific research, expert opinions and the experience of other international competitions,” explained Beijing 2022 vice president and secretary general Han Zirong.
