Begum Hafizunnessa laid to rest


Begum Hafizunnessa, wife of late Dr MA Kashem, a close associate of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and former MP, was laid to eternal rest after Zohr prayers on Monday in Madaripur.
“My mother was buried at our family graveyard at New Town area of the Madaripur municipality following her namaz-e-janaza at the Pourasabha Eidgah after Zohr prayers,” said youngest son of the deceased BSS Chief News Editor AZM Sajjad Hossain.
People from all strata including political, social and cultural personalities joined the namaz-e-janaza.
Lawmaker from Shariatpur-1 constituency Md Iqbal Hossain, Madaripur Municipality Mayor Md Khalid Hossain Yead and on behalf of Awami League presidium member and former minister Shajahan Khan, former Madaripur sadar upazila chairman Pavelur Rahman Shafique spoke before the funeral prayers (janaza) and paid rich tributes to former Mohila Awami League leader Hafizunnessa.
They also recalled her contributions to the country’s politics.
On behalf of the family members, eldest son of Hafizunnessa Dr Isteakh Hossain Milton spoke before the burial.
Hafizunnessa, former president of the then Madaripur subdivision Mohila Awami League, breathed her last on Sunday evening at her second son’s residence in the city at the age of 87.
She left behind six sons, one daughter and a host of relatives and admirers to mourn her death.
Her physician husband late MA Kashem was a former Member of Parliament (MP), Member of the then National Assembly (MNA) from a constituency of the then Madaripur (now Shariatpur), Liberation War organiser and Awami League leader.
Three of her sons and the daughter are physicians by profession while her third son Professor Dr AZM Mostaque Hossain Tuhin is the Vice Chancellor (VC) of Rajshahi Medical University (RMU).
