Beginning of a New Dawn

Barrister Miti Sanjana :
As the new year approaches with new hopes and promises, it is the perfect time to let go of all the fears, grudges, sadness and past mistakes. We cannot change the mistakes that were already made but we can surely enjoy the new flurries of hope. 2016 is not really to be remembered for its good memories. 2016 was shaken by the attack in the Holey Artisan Bakery in Dhaka that took place days before the Muslim religious festival of Eid al-Fitr. Dozens of innocent lives were killed in most heinous way possible. Holey Artisan Bakery tragedy is probably one of the darkest chapters of the history of Bangladesh. 1st July 2016 is one of the most grieved days for our nation.
Within a week of the Holey Artisan Bakery tragedy four people died in an attack near Sholakia Eidgah where hundreds of thousands had gathered for Eid congregation. Beside this, on the same year many attacks targeted secular bloggers, writers, activists, academics and members from religious minorities.
If we look at the world phenomenon, the Nice, Istanbul, Belgium, Berlin attacks have proved 2016 to be one of the bloodiest years. Such heinous and barbaric attacks against innocent people made headlines around the world.
Death tolls in Syria have increased so alarmingly that it has become even impossible to keep the track of death count. Millions of Syrian refugees are in need of humanitarian assistance. They left their belongings, memories, stories in their houses back home those were full of life one day. People and lives that were in the place once upon a time are telling us a thousand of stories drowning in their deep silence. Fear, shock, agony, angers and many other emotions rushed through us that we never felt before.
If we consider our personal lives, we all deal with our own battle on a daily basis. We all have different unwanted memories in our lives. Some of them are caused by our own mistakes and some due to others’ faults. We all have our own stories of triumph and despair, poverty, wealth, growing up, the places and times we lived in, our work and our family history which are all an indispensable part of our lives. Good and happy memories make us smile.
Thinking about past sad memories can only shift our focus towards our own progress and vision. Dwelling on the past bad memories do not allow us to achieve our goals. We absolutely have no control over our past. But we can change the present and the future by learning from our past mistakes.
Life is an ever-changing process of growing and learning. Each day we learn more from our lives and mistakes. We are capable of making our dreams come true to the best of our ability. Living with hurdles and struggles has its own challenge. We may feel that we are trapped in a nightmare that would never end.
But all nightmares will be finally over if we have the power to change our lives and if only we give ourselves a second chance.
2016 was a rough year having the terrorist attacks, political unrest and many ups and downs. But in the new year we hope to face new challenges with strength rather than fear.2017 is going to be a year of new beginnings. With all the abrupt, unexpected changes and shifts we have endured in past will be over and we shall achieve our new goals with faith and moral strength.
The new sunrise brings new hopes and gives us new courage and belief for a new beginning. The New Year gives us fresh 365 days to grow, learn and evolve with lot more opportunities of aspiration and optimism. With the beginning of a new dawn it’s time to wake up with joy and to unfold new pages of life.

(The writer is an Advocate, Supreme Court of Bangladesh and an activist.)
