Beef fattening becomes boon for many Rajshahi villagers

BSS, Rajshahi :
Ahead of the forthcoming Eid-Ul-Azha, beef fattening activities have been intensified everywhere in the region as the villagers attain lucrative profit from the business. This house to house beef fattening has started contributing a lot towards improving living and livelihood condition of the grassroots population through enriching animal resources.
The feature has brightened the prospects of exporting beef to different areas within the country after meeting the local demands. Moreover, the boosted native cattle production has started lessening the dependence on cattle imported from the neighboring country. In most of the cattle markets, the buyers were seen opting to purchase native animals.
District Livestock Officer Dr Zulfikar Akhter Hossain told BSS that local animal husbandry sector has marked a revolutionary boost in recent years bringing fortune to hundreds of people in the region. He said many of the rural families have been rearing and fattening bulls commercially and earning huge profits every year. Some of the poor and marginalized people including women have achieved tremendous successes in the sector.
Currently, the cattle markets are witnessing a record supply of domestic animals following huge boost in the local animal husbandry sector in recent years. Meanwhile, for the last couple of years, many villagers are seen fattening their bulls applying natural method.
They use only straw, molasses, oilcake, gram, black-gram, green grass and wheat bran as feed instead of any steroid tablet or injection. There are more than 100 beef fattening farms only in Durgapur upazila in the district where the farmers are fattening around 10,000 bulls using the natural method.
Besides, the villagers are also rearing over 25,000 goats in a hygienic manner.
Dr Zulfikar termed the practice as a positive sign for sound public health saying the department of livestock has been extending necessary support towards the farmers in this regard.
“We are discouraging the businessmen and farmers using harmful medicines including hormone and steroid to fatten cattle to make immediate profit by selling fat animals for sacrifice,” he added. Abdul Mannan, a bull fattening farm owner of Devipur village, said the farmers have adopted new and improved practices and technologies in bull rearing and fattening contributing to enhanced production and productivity.
The size of the market has expanded due to the growing active role of large and small-scale private companies.
Line agencies have become proactive towards supporting market actors especially local service providers (LSPs) by dint of their complementary roles in extension services.
In practice, the LSPs provide training, advice and input to the producers and earn on an average Taka 4,500 per month. Routinely, they extend different modern technology to the producers through setting demonstration plot in the locality.
