Bed Room Vastu


Weekend Plus Desk :
According to ancient science of directions, Vastu Shastra peace and harmony reign through bedroom if the room is located in right
direction. A properly located
bedroom provides complete
relaxation after a weary day and also brings good things into life. Here are given the facts, which explain complete vastu for bedroom.
Bed Location
The beds should be of good
quality wood and metal bed should be avoided. The bed should be placed in such a way as the foot of the bed should be in North and does not face the door. It should not touch walls keeping 2 or 3 inches distance. Avoid placing bed in corners or under the beam. The space under the bed should be clean and clutter free. Due to paucity of space modern vastu says to use box bed.
Keep storage space clean and
clutter free. Do not keep utensils and metal in storage space. This may cause mental stress and diseases.
Location for Bedroom
Ideally master bedroom should be located in southern part of the house and all other bedrooms should be located either towards the East or North of master bedroom. Master bedroom may be located in south-west of the house. This room should be used by the head of the family and eldest son of the family. South portion is also recommended for eldest son bedroom. If there is more than one floor, the head of the family should have his bedroom in south-west direction on first floor. This bedroom should not be used
by young children otherwise
unnecessary quarrels can take place in the house.
A west sided bedroom is good for children. An eastern bedroom can be used for children. But this room should not be used by newly wed couples because it can cause
unnecessary quarrel between the couple. Teenager girls should have their bedrooms in north-west
direction. The bedroom should not be constructed in central portion of the house or in basement as it may lead to mental tension. Also bedroom should not be constructed above porch and kitchen. An attached bathroom can be in north-west or south-east of bedroom.
Cabinet Location
Cabinet/Almirah should be placed in south-west of the room opening towards North. It should be placed leaving south-east, north-east, south-west, north-west corners and east and north directions
of the room.
TV and Electrical Appliances Location
Avoid television in bedroom. If you place TV in bedroom, it should be kept in south-east of bedroom. It should never be placed in front of bed as it works like a mirror. Thus placed mirror is not good for health. Electrical appliances should be kept in south-east of the room.
Doors and Windows Location
The door of bedroom should be in the East or the North. Windows in the East and North of the room
are beneficial.
Colour Scheme
Colour affects our mind and changes the mood. Vastu recommends light colours. Light colours are better than dark colours. The colour of bedroom should be light rose, pink, blue, yellow and green. Avoid black and red colour in bedroom. Yellow and white marble should not be used in bedroom.
As per vastu lighting is an essential part of bedroom. Comfortable lighting is the key to excellent
bedroom. The bedroom should not have too bright or too dim
lighting. Keeping an up-lighter
in south-east is good.
Do not display pictures of war, cruelty, sadness, single bird, any
animal and wild animals in
bedroom. Generally people having religious nature display idols of
God in bedroom.
Do not use mirror in bedrooms. If it cannot be avoided, keep it in such a position that should not reflect your shadow while sleeping. Keep a curtain on mirror to avoid reflection. To avoid mirrors in
bedroom means to avoid unnecessary quarrels between the couple.
Tips for Vastu Bedroom
As a general rule of vastu, south-west corner of bedroom should not be left empty. Always keep heavy things, furniture etc. in this portion in every room.
South-west side of the house and of all rooms inside the house should always be heavier than the East and north-east side. Maximum open space should be left in north-east side of the room and house.
 Nobodys bedroom should be exactly in the middle of the building. Some buildings do not get proper east-west and north-south directions. They have corners only. In bed rooms of such buildings, for getting the proper direction, one should not put his bed in an oblique position.
