Becoming the model host

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Be the perfect host or hostess with simple suggestions for making your next dinner party a smashing success.
Inviting friends or family to your home for dinner is one of the most personal ways to express your feelings for them. Follow these easy tips so that when people you care about come over, you can entertain with flair as well as feeling.
Hosting a sit-down dinner
Having the table set ahead of the guests’ arrival makes them feel expected and welcome; it also saves you last-minute stress and scrambling. If you can’t set the table ahead, assemble the items you’ll need in a large plastic storage bin. Include ironed linens and place cards so that, if need be, someone else can set up for you without much direction. Place flowers on the table (and in every nook if you can) to help create a fresh, colourful ambience for your gatherings, but avoid bouquets of fragrant blooms that will overwhelm the delicious smell of the food you’re serving.
If you don’t have a floral centrepiece, choose something thematically linked to the occasion or to your guest’s interests. A cluster of interesting collectibles, pretty non-scented candles, or even a cluster of wild mushrooms can be eyecatching.