Beauty woes, their fixes

Life Desk :
Dry unmanageable hair, itchy scalp, dandruff, flaky skin, cracked heels – all these coldweather issues can make you look worse throughout the season if neglected. We list some beauty woes and their solutions to make you look fresh-faced 247.
PREP YOUR SKIN: Winter is the best time to pamper your skin with a relaxing aroma oil body massage (once in two weeks) and nourishing and hydrating French facials (once a month).
Hot water can help you relax but does more damage to your skin than you know. Avoid taking longer baths. Use liquid soap as opposed to a soap bar. Slather on a moisturiser on damp skin immediately after taking a bath or use oil before you step in for a shower. Don’t use scrub in cold weather. “Switch to creamy moisturisers and face creams with antioxidants, vitamins and rich butters to keep your skin soft and supple for hours. Use body butters that tend to stay for long and are enriched with products like squalene, hyaluronic acid, essential fatty acids etc,” says cosmetic dermatologist Dr Apratim Goel.
Since your skin works at night when you sleep, make sure you have a nigh time skin routine to let it rejuvenate. Avoid direct sun exposure for more than 20-30 minutes a day, and don’t forget to apply sunscreen (SPF 25 or more) with an inbuilt moisturiser on sun exposed areas.
TAME YOUR MANE: Low temperatures and humidity leave your hair static. Condition your hair every time you wash it by using a good quality conditioner depending on your hair type. To keep it lustrous, apply a serum on towel-dried hair.
“You may be of the belief that oiling hair is a must. But the truth is that people with oily and acne-prone skin must totally avoid oiling the scalp during colder months. If you’re really craving for a relaxing oil massage, wash off the oil within two hours,” says Goel.
Try not to blow dry and straighten your hair frequently. If you still need to do it, apply a hair protectant serum or spray before using any heating products.
Healthy hair starts with your favourite food. The natural oils in avocado promote hair health. Con sume this fruit and turn any leftovers into a hy drating hair mask.
If your scalp is prone to dandruff, use an anti-dan druff shampoo containing ZPTO or ketoconazole at least once a week.
MODIFY YOUR MAKE-UP: Winter is a very challenging time for skin care and make-up and the best bet is to moisturise prior to applying make-up. Else, use a primer before applying a base foundation.
Opt for creme-based foundations; they are rich in texture and remain on your skin for longer in winter.
Use powder or compact sparingly to avoid dry, patchy skin. However, for oily or combination skin, use powder only on oily areas.
Chapped lips tops the list of winter woes. If your lips are super dry, skip the lipstick and use a tinted lip balm, which is now available in many different colours. Make sure the balm has SPF and UVAUVB protection. Exfoliate your lips regularly throughout winter by rubbing them with a wet towel. Avoid using a toothbrush for this purpose as it can be harsh on the lips. This will help your lips get rid of dry flakes. Also, avoid licking dry lips.
Inputs by dermatologist Dr Kiran Lohia and consultant dermatologist Dr Snehal Sriram
MIRACLE SERUM: Got dry skin on your feet s and hands? Apply argan oil all r over them before bedtime and put on a pair of socks and mittens. When you wake up, n even your roughest spots twill be soft and moisturised
MASK YOUR HANDS: In a bowl, mix two tsps olive oil and two egg yolks.Now, soak your hands in warm milk and then apply this mask all over your hands, especially the dried areas. To exfoliate the skin, try a natural scrub made out of olive oil and salt.
TRY SLEEPING WITH A HUMIDIFIER: Nighttime is the body’s chance to restore and renew itself. A humidifier will add just enough moisture to the environment and prevent it from further dehydration.